[ARCHIVED] Easier Grading

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Is there a way to turn on notifications for every time a student turns in an assignment? I would like to be able to see when a student completes an assignment that needs "moderation". Currently the only things that show up in my "to do" are writing assignments. When I make a quiz is there a way to get a notification when a student finishes it? The only way I know how to tell is to go into the assignment and look through each and every student to see who has done it.

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This question has been answered here: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-26294-how-do-i-set-my-canvas-notification-preferences-as-an... 

(BTW, when you post something in the forum, the subject line should give some indication as to what you're having difficulty with. In your case, it should have been something like: How To Turn Off Notifications?)

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