[ARCHIVED] Duplicate Assignments in Canvas

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Good morning everyone;

When I publish an assignment (not pulled over from another course) I am getting duplicate assignments in grades inside of canvas.  The duplicate is giving them 100 that I cannot delete.  When I look in modules and in assignments the duplicate is not visible.  

Thanks in advance for any assistance

Rose Fred

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1 Solution
Community Champion

The title of the assignments in grades should bring you to the assignment settings.  If you click on the duplicate assignment's title in grades, where does it bring you?  If you are in assignment settings, and you edit this assignment to be worth zero points, then go back to grades, is the original assignment also changed to be worth zero points?  If not, you can change the duplicate to display grade "not graded" to remove it from your gradebook.  This is not normal behavior, however, and so you should report it to canvas support. 

The only circumstance I can think of when something has an automatic perfect score that shows up in the gradebook, but does not show up (by default) in assignments, is a graded survey in classic quizzes if it was somehow not assigned to an assignment group and yet somehow already had submissions from the students.  Classic quizzes do not have the options I described above, but you can change the survey type to ungraded survey, or change the points to zero on the graded survey, or put the grade survey in an assignment group weighted at zero percent (if you don't already use weighted assignment groups just put everything else in a group weighted at 100%).  It is still not normal behavior for publishing an assignment to generate a matching graded survey, so you should definitely report it to canvas support.

Could you have an LTI enabled that might be doing this?  If so, make sure any survey generated is not required for the LTI to operate properly, and if it is not necessary then you can also delete surveys from the quizzes tab.

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