Hi @carmen_vallis
As a teacher, I never use Chat. For office hours I use Conferences (BBB), and for open questions about the course I strongly prefer using a Q&A Discussion so all students can see the questions, see my answers and also participate in answering classmate questions (I actually award extra credit points to student who answer questions). I have hid the link to Chat in all my courses. Although I was excited by a chat feature when we first moved to Canvas a long time ago, I quickly became disillusioned for all the reasons @abunag mentioned above, and perhaps a few more.
As an admin, so few teachers on our campus use it (I am not sure if any do), that like Anthony I would just as soon turn it off.
You don't seem to be getting much help, or at least many positive responses to your question in here. I will tell you that Chat is a feature that needs a lot of love from the Engineers. Over the years there have been many feature requests for improvements to Chat, but so far it has not made it on the road map.
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