[ARCHIVED] Disappearing negative or minus sign

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I noticed this problem at the end of Fall 2020 semester, and now having the issue this semester. Negative signs and subtraction signs disappear when the equation editor is used to create an expression (in quizzes, announcements, assignments, etc). I was told to tell students to click on the image to make it bigger, but that isn't a viable solution to have students do this for every expression that shows up in a math class. Is there a more permanent solution? 

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1 Solution
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There is another thread with a similar issue here: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor/Minus-signs-disappear-in-Quizzes/td-p/427218

My current fix is to use {\bf -} instead of just a negative sign.  Alternatively, if a student is viewing in a webbrowser, they could right click and switch to "CHTML" which seems to fix the issue (see example below).  Neither are ideal solutions.  I hope that they correct this problem soon.  



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