[ARCHIVED] Cross-Listing courses (not sections)

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We are currently migrating to canvas and we are not using sections.  Each of our courses has their own ID with the section number included in the ID.  I am confused about cross-listing courses.  I didn't find much help in the Guides; they all reference sections.  Is someone familiar with cross-listing different courses?


Julie, LMS Admin

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @juking ,

Enrollments in Canvas are all really tied to sections (whether you realize that or not), and those sections are then tied to courses.  You could have something setup where there is just one section per course, but a section HAS to exist.  That's why all of the documentation all references crosslisting sections, as that's how things are done in Canvas.  It might just be the terminology throwing you off.  If you go to any course with people enrolled in it, then go to settings, and go to the sections tab, you should see the section(s) listed there.  

Does this help at all?


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