[ARCHIVED] Create a test with 110 questions but grade out of 100 points

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I am wondering how do I create a test that will have 110 questions but I would like it graded using a 100 point scale.  So essentially the students have 10 extra points built in.  Do I just change some questions to zero points but leave all 110 questions?  Or can we not set up a quiz this way?

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Community Champion


With Classic Quizzes, the points are controlled by the questions and it is not possible to directly have extra credit on a quiz. If you make 0 point questions, then the students will not get any points for them either, meaning that they cannot get more than 100 points.

One very risky way to do this is make it worth 110 points and then go in after the students have taken the quiz and change the point values on 10 questions but do not regrade the quiz. This will change the point value on the student's submitted version, but not in the version that's in the gradebook.  See the notes at the top of What options can I use to regrade a quiz in a course? and then forget you ever heard about this option.

Another way works if you use assignment groups and weight your gradebook. You could put the original quiz worth 110 points into an assignment group worth 0% of the grade and create an assignment where they quiz would normally go but worth 100 points. After the quiz is finished, you duplicate the scores from the quiz into the placeholder assignment and then they get their extra points.

With New Quizzes, you might think there was a better option. You can specify the point value for the assignment separately than the point value for the quiz. I just made a quiz worth 5 points that had 10 points worth of questions on it. Alas, when you take the quiz and get 100%, it shows that you got 10/10 points when inside the New Quizzes LTI, but outside when you're back in Canvas, it shows that you got 5/5 points. That allows for easy scaling (you have 32 points worth of questions but want it to be worth 50 points) but doesn't allow for extra credit.

This lesson in the Canvas Instructor Guide may provide some additional guidance: How do I give extra credit in a course? 

There is an interesting read here: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-5586-creating-an-extra-credit-quiz 

There are also some feature ideas related to extra credit and quizzing that are open for voting.

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