[ARCHIVED] Copying assignments using 'External Tool'

Community Member

I created an assignment using 'External Tool' and attached a document from my Google drive. So when my students accessed it during my first period, every student got a copy and it worked fine. Since I teach 2 sections of this course, I copied this assignment. over to my 3rd period  (same course but it's a separate one on my dashboard) and for whatever reason, even though I attach the same file, it does not show up under the assignment. Students don't see any file when they click on this assignment. However, when I open this file from my google drive and click on 'share' I can see that all the students in third period have been added by Canvas but students can't access this document!! I then thought maybe I can't use the same document twice and tried attaching a different document, that didn't work either.

So does this feature of using External tool where Canvas creates a copy of the doc for the students not work when we 'copy' the assignment??

If it does, why did it not work for me?? Any insight is appreciated. Thanks.

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