[ARCHIVED] Change text within account registration in Catalog

Community Contributor

Hello Catalog users -

I'm in need of coding help. We are wanting to change the Already have an account? Sign in here text. I've reviewed the GitHub code (catalog/branding/change_registration_page_account_text at master · unsupported/catalog · GitHub)

and pasted the JS into the appropriate box on the Catalogs > Customizations page. I see no change in my wording when testing the Enroll page.

For example, here is a current view:

314045_Screen Shot 2019-05-24 at 11.38.11 AM.png

I simply want to change the text to read Already have a UTK NetID? Sign in here.

Here is the code I'm using:

var find_text = 'Already have an account?';

var replace_text = 'Already have a UTK NetID?';

var url_path = /^\/(courses|programs)\/\d+\/enrollment\/new\/*/i;


var element = $("p.text-center:contains('"+find_text+"')");

element.html(element.html().replace(find_text, replace_text));


Any help is greatly appreciated!


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