[ARCHIVED] Catalog "Completed" Status Broken with January 2020 Update

Community Novice

Hello! I think we may be experiencing student course status (Completed vs Not Completed) issues since the latest Catalog update. We have completions listed through 1/14/20, but nothing after that date. We have prerequisites in all of our self-paced courses, and also have course access dates. Prior to the update, it looks like the "Completed" notation displayed as soon as they satisfied all of the requirements in the Canvas course, but since 1/15, this looks to be driven solely by the course dates, or may not switch to "Completed" at all (unsure of which is true as none of our courses close for another month or two). I've checked multiple students across multiple of our courses, each having satisfied all requirements since 1/14, and none are showing as "Completed" in Catalog.

Is anyone else experiencing this issue?


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