[ARCHIVED] Canvas + Virtual Simulations = Upcoming OpenSimulator Community Conference

Community Participant

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I wrote an open letter in the Hypergrid Business e-magazine in February 2017 -- about the need for an OpenSimulator (virtual learning simulation) viewer that can be integrated into Canvas.  My goal is for my students' avatars to be able to "walk off" any page in my Canvas course site -- into the Tulane SoPA Metaverse [private OpenSimulator platform] grid -- to tour course-relevant simulations and hold real-time voice-enabled discussions.  Fast-forwarding to the present, there has been no progress (that I know about) in the development of a virtual viewer that can be integrated into Canvas.  Still, my university has virtualized an OpenSimulator viewer (using VMware) and a VR-ready viewer is now available.  In turn, I am convinced my goal (re: a Canvas-ready virtual simulation viewer) can be achieved...

If you are similarly interested in virtual learning simulations, registration for the [free, virtual attendance] OpenSimulator Community Conference is now openHope to see you in-world at the upcoming, December 14-15, 2019 OpenSimulator Community Conference.

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