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How do I record a video response in a discussion in the mobile app?

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2 Solutions
Community Team
Community Team

@burgesco Thank you for reaching out to your community for support! There are two options for you to submit a recording to a discussion. When you go into your discussion, click reply...

first option:

-click into "add message" you should see a toolbar right above your keyboard.

-scroll and look for the image of the camera.

-record here

The second option:

-click the paperclip looking symbol in top right corner

-either "use camera"

-or record on your phone ahead of time and "upload file"

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This can help with posting a reply https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Teacher-Android-Guide/How-do-I-view-Discussions-in-the-Tea... When you go to the discussion click comments and you will see a + button this will let you add a video response.


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