[ARCHIVED] Canvas Import Format Question

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I've finally succeeded in getting an outcome import to work in canvas. However, I had to provide an outcome number in the column A vendor_guide. i.e. outcome_94632, etc. 

How do I get Canvas to auto-number the outcomes so that I don't have to look up what the last existing outcome number is before each import?


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From what I understand of the outcomes CSV format, this is a number supplied by you and isn't set by Canvas. These aren't incremented keys and could be anything unique. Therefore, your best bet is to look at your last outcome file and last Vendor_guid and then start the new file from the next increment.

I also looked in the API to see if there was a way to grab all the Outcome IDs, but didn't find one. There is an admin report "Outcome Export" that has all the outcomes and their vendor_guid's, but it would be faster to just keep your files you are uploading somewhere to reference, rather than having to run that report each time.

Chad Scott

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