[ARCHIVED] Canvas Collaboration Google docs app

Community Explorer


I have read about the Google App LTI upgrade that is coming soonish, ~ Sept 1 or later.

I am one of the Admins for our school account. I couldn't access Collaboration at Teacher orientation for demonstrationr purposes using the Google app that was in place for this past 3 years. I read all the information, articles, and it seems that I should still be able to use the old Google app untiil the LTI upgrade is in effect. Is that right?

In an attempt to fix it, after sending 3 Canvas Helps requests with no solution offered, I deleted the Google app, followed the steps to integrate with the Google app LTI and it still won't let me authorize successfully.

Due to hacking last year, I changed my school acount on gmail completely. Is it possible that the gmail change is what is causing me to not be able to authorize the Google app? I sent a Help request on this too and have yet to hear back.

Sincerely frustrated



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