[ARCHIVED] Can I create a personal course as home page that links to other courses?

Community Novice

I've searched to see if this question has already been asked, but I haven't found anything. I have many different courses because of the type of campus I'm on. That means I have so many options to search through to find a particular course, and I can't put them in the order I would like.  I need something more organized.

I've created a class called "Gatlin Home" where I am the only one who will be in the course. I've created tabs for each type of course (Spanish, English, Creative Writing, Staff). In each tab, I've created buttons for each course I teach that belongs in each tab (Spanish 1A, Spanish 1B, Spanish 2A. . . ) 

I would like to create a link that will take me to the home page of the particular course, but I'm not sure if that's possible. There's not a link on the menu that leads me to a different course, so my next step is to try to add the url into the link box to see if that might work. I'm just wondering if there's something easier. I can do, or is this even possible?

Thanks in advance! hope I made sense

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