[ARCHIVED] Bulk Download and restrict availability for essay assignment

Community Participant

We are having our students create a writing submission as part of our state assessments this year.  We'd like to be able to do that within canvas.  Our requirements...

  • Students need to be able to work on their submission during specific times.  So, if a student doesn't finish it one day in class, we want it to be able to be locked so they can't work on it at home.  
  • We need to be able to download the submissions.  

We know we can use the regular assignment and text entry and download, but it feels like a lot of trouble to change the available dates/times all the time.   Also they download as a HTML file and the essays are not in a great format.  

We tried the new  quizzes and that seems to work well - with a passcode - but we can't download the submissions.  

We tried the "classic" quizzes - same thing as the new ones.  Can't download them (or downloads as a CSV which is really ugly for an essay.  

Someone mentioned using Google LTI but we were concerned about students being able to change it in their drive even if the assignment was "unavailable."  Someone else suggested that we use Google LTI but have students submit after the first session.  Then the teacher could "pass back" the essay on the second day for students to finish.  


Anyone have any experience with trying to do this?  Suggestions?


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