[ARCHIVED] [ARCHIVED] Why aren't points for roll call attendance showing up?

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I have a certain number of points being awarded for the roll call attendance.  Only students who have never been absent have points showing up in the grade book.  Any student who was marked absent at least once does not have a grade in the grade book for the roll call attendance and these points aren't showing up in exported spreadsheets.  Any ideas on how to fix this?  For students who were absent I am getting this file symbol in the grade book.

This is the image I see in the grade book in place of points for students who were ever absent.  It looks like a file emblem.

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Cathy Werner and I were able to figure out the issue I was having.

You should create the assignment for roll call attendance and then changed the settings (you must select external tool for submission type and then select roll call - see photo below).  The assignment won't automatically update with any changes until you take attendance.  This is the case at the beginning of the class or if changes are made to the settings after the class has started and you have already taken attendance on several dates.

I believe my issue started when I imported this assignment into my other classes.  I had to go into the roll call assignment and manually update the submission type for each class.  Once I did this, and then took attendance for the day, the scores for attendance showed up and reflected appropriate scores based on attendance recorded prior to the settings changes.

I hope this is helpful for anyone with the same issue.

Thank you,

Angela Henschel

This image shows what your settings should look like in your roll call attendance assignment.  In submission type, select external tools and then roll call.

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