[ARCHIVED] [ARCHIVED] View assignment instructions when that assignment is accessed through the gradebook?

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When students go into the gradebook in Canvas, and click on an assignment they haven't done yet, it pulls up the blank submission for the assignment since there is nothing there rather than opening the assignment itself. Because of this, directions about the assignment are not displayed. It's also confusing because the comments and "add file" button are easily misconstrued as where to place your assignment to turn it in. 

Is there a way to make the assignment directions show up when the assignment is accessed in this way? Or, is there a way to make it so that if there is no submission, it takes the user directly to the assignment rather than the empty submission?

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@hkasishke There is not a way to change this, at least on any end users end, it would take Canvas to change their code.  While I completely understand the confusion, I believe this is by design as the gradebook is meant to be grades and submissions so having that view link directly to the students submission so they can see their feedback/comments and refresh their memory on why they received the grade they did.

Accessing assignments through the course "assignments" tab, from a module, the Canvas Calendar, or the To-do list, all bring students to the instructions page.  

Obviously this does not help your problem but thought I would share.


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