[ARCHIVED] A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, So Use Pictures!

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If you're anything like me, you used to think that more words and more explanation about an assignment on Canvas was better than few words. I've evolved to think just the opposite. I now try to use FEWER words trying to EXPLAIN what I want my students to do. I've tried to replace all those words (that nobody but me read, anyhow) with pictures showing them what they should do.

This might sound like a difference without much distinction to some of you, and that's ok. But for me, it's resulted in fewer questions about the assignments and less confusion about what should be done. I typically use something like an infographic template from canva to make my instructions. I'll put an example of an infographic-based instruction set vs. a text-based instruction set for the same assignment below. 

All About Me Book (1).pngAll About Me Instructions.png



























Comparing the two, which one is more clear? To me, I love the illustrative examples of what to do instead of the text description. My students have also responded in a similar fashion. Are there some who would rather read than look at the illustrated instructions? Maybe, but I'd bet not many.

In this case, the two were designed to compliment each other. This is a process for me, and I am learning and getting better as I continue this process. But I could easily incorporate all of the information on the second page into the infographic, probably a lot more effectively. What do you think?

Here's another example:

Children's Stories (1).png

For this assignment I was able to put all of the requirements into an infographic. I believe it was an improvement over the previous example. For me, it's much easier to look in one place for the instructions and requirements. And it seems much more organized rather than a list of requirements.

As I continue this process, I hope to hone my skills at synthesizing and communicating information more effectively through the use of mixed-media. I'd love to hear your thoughts and see examples of how you've done this, too!

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