Naomi Petty
Community Team
Manager, Community
Jul 20, 2020 9:29:48 AM
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I've been with Instructure since August 2018. I lead the team that creates and manages release notes, change logs, and guides for Canvas, Canvas Mobile, and Canvas Badges/Credentials.
Most Liked Posts
Below are some general questions and answers about Canvas, the Student role, and links to resources to help you be comfortable with Canvas. Visit the Student Guides to learn more.
Pandatar History
Many years ago in a Denny’s in Salt Lake City, a graphic artist who worked for Instructure sat working away on his laptop and drinking cup after cup of black coffee well into the nig...
If your institution has enabled profile pictures, you can add and change profile pictures in your account. If you do not see a placeholder picture in your user settings, your institutio...
Canvas includes a set of default notification settings you can receive for your courses. However, you can change the default settings by setting your own notification settings. These se...
Your instructor may require you to submit a peer review of another student's assignment. To complete the assignment, you must review the student's assignment and add a comment i...
Most Recent Posts
Canvas lets you view New Quizzes from your mobile device. For each quiz, you can view the details of the quiz including the due date, points, number of questions, the time limit, and nu...
If Assignment Enhancements is enabled in your course, you can view an assignment to verify your assignment submission.
If your instructors enable the self assessment, you can evaluate y...
Hi, @mirjam_broekema!
Thank you for reaching out! Unfortunately, the Dutch-translated guides are not currently up to date. We are exploring options to get those updated as soon as possible and app...
As a Canvas Catalog admin, you can set a measurement type to apply to all listings in a catalog and its subcatalogs. The measurement option specifies the type of credit that a user rece...
As a Canvas Catalog admin, you can enable the recommendations feature that displays popular and trending course listings in the homepage. When you enable the recommendations feature, yo...
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Instructure Community: 4 Year
4 Years with Instructure Community

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