
Community Explorer
Aug 9, 2020 12:36:53 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

After many days of frustration, I found the solution. Hope this helps someone, especially since large part of my frustration was seeing people with the same problem as me in this forum who never poste...
Likes: 6
For me personally, the issue was in regards to the client_id. I had created a new developer key and forgotten to update the client_id. Whoops!
Likes: 0
It seems my canvas environment has trouble with web tokens in general. If I try to access the /api/lti/security/jwks endpoint to get the canvas public keys I get another 500 (different error though).
Likes: 0
Hello,I'm attempting to implement LTI 1.3 as a tool provider and I'm developing against canvas. I've stumbled upon an issue that I've been trying to resolve for a while now, and I can&...
Likes: 0
Hello all,I'm attempting to implement IMS LTI 1.3 for a tool provider and I'm developing against a local canvas environment.During the launch step, the authentication response canvas sends is ...
Likes: 0

Most Recent Posts

After many days of frustration, I found the solution. Hope this helps someone, especially since large part of my frustration was seeing people with the same problem as me in this forum who never poste...
Aug 13, 2020 10:29 AM
For me personally, the issue was in regards to the client_id. I had created a new developer key and forgotten to update the client_id. Whoops!
Aug 13, 2020 09:52 AM
It seems my canvas environment has trouble with web tokens in general. If I try to access the /api/lti/security/jwks endpoint to get the canvas public keys I get another 500 (different error though).
Aug 11, 2020 12:14 PM
Hello,I'm attempting to implement LTI 1.3 as a tool provider and I'm developing against canvas. I've stumbled upon an issue that I've been trying to resolve for a while now, and I can&...
Aug 11, 2020 11:07 AM
Hello all,I'm attempting to implement IMS LTI 1.3 for a tool provider and I'm developing against a local canvas environment.During the launch step, the authentication response canvas sends is ...
Aug 09, 2020 13:46 PM

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