
Joe Johnson
Community Explorer
District Technology Trainer
Aug 4, 2020 3:50:47 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Because our district uses a Block schedule, assignments are mostly differentiated by section/period. Many teachers also use the Automatic late policy (though that is less of an issue for this particul...
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Problem statement: My teachers need the ability to easily transfer the scores of a student who moves from one section of a course to another. (i.e. moving from 6th period to 4th period for the same co...
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@sdees Our teachers have to manually disable 'sync to SIS' from all Semester 1 assignments as well, and it is pretty painful for them. I don't understand why the view filter for Gradin...
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Most Recent Posts

Because our district uses a Block schedule, assignments are mostly differentiated by section/period. Many teachers also use the Automatic late policy (though that is less of an issue for this particul...
Sep 29, 2023 8:54:46 AM
Problem statement: My teachers need the ability to easily transfer the scores of a student who moves from one section of a course to another. (i.e. moving from 6th period to 4th period for the same co...
Sep 28, 2023 2:13:33 PM
@sdees Our teachers have to manually disable 'sync to SIS' from all Semester 1 assignments as well, and it is pretty painful for them. I don't understand why the view filter for Gradin...
Feb 2, 2021 9:50:38 AM

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