
Instructure Alumni
Apr 9, 2020 9:01:23 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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That is correct. Almost everyplace in Canvas that has an RCE, Rich Content Editor, text entry box will have the capabilities to add images. I will include the guide to the new quizzes if you want to b...
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Hello Ryan,Thank you for contacting Canvas support. I'm sorry to hear that but if you have the ability to go back into your post it may prompt to reload previously saved, otherwise there is no oth...
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Hello Ana,So the file size limitations that would effect these would be if the course you were importing these into was already at or above 100% capacity. This can be seen when going into the course a...
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Hello Richard,I'm sorry to hear that but it definitely sounds like something is going on with the browser. We would recommend verifying that it is up to date and then clear out the cache and cooki...
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Hello Michele,That's a fantastic question! You will have the ability to export any of your Canvas created content, including item banks, to any institute that uses Canvas and import it exactly how...
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Hello James,It sounds like this was setup correctly as they do need to be set to open in a new tab. I was able to login as you but when navigating your shell, as well as a few other course pages, I wa...
May 11, 2022 15:01 PM
Hello Brent,So a students submissions and grades stay with their enrollment to the course they completed it in. The only thing you could do in this instance would be to export the gradebook before rem...
May 11, 2022 14:28 PM
Hello Heidi,Thank you for contacting Canvas support. I'm sorry to hear that but I'd be happy to take a look! When I login as you to the course UCONN 2021-22 I pull up this list when selecting ...
May 11, 2022 14:14 PM
Hello Chunghan,I logged into your GA Tech Canvas account and went to a few different quizzes but did not have any issues highlighting text from any of the questions and answers given by the students, ...
May 11, 2022 13:36 PM
HelloJames,Thank you for contacting Canvas support. After checking this assignment out, it looks like none of the submissions have been graded. This would need to be done through speed grader. Even th...
May 11, 2022 13:16 PM

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