
Community Member
Jan 31, 2020 11:48:50 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I've tried the "workaround" suggested in this thread but I guess I'm too dense to figure out how to make it work. Anyone? This is such a drag to not have this functionality as it adds ...
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Does this help:https://community.canvaslms.com/thread/37220-how-do-i-archive-a-class
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Thanks, Kona, that's what I've been doing. Since I want each quiz to be taken in succession, only when the previous module's quiz has been completed, I created 12 separate modules and put ...
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I have a graded survey I would like students to take 12 times over the course of the term.I know I can essentially "copy and paste" the ungraded survey into the course 12 times  but the most e...
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I've tried the "workaround" suggested in this thread but I guess I'm too dense to figure out how to make it work. Anyone? This is such a drag to not have this functionality as it adds ...
Feb 19, 2021 12:17 PM
Does this help:https://community.canvaslms.com/thread/37220-how-do-i-archive-a-class
Jul 20, 2020 15:11 PM
Thanks, Kona, that's what I've been doing. Since I want each quiz to be taken in succession, only when the previous module's quiz has been completed, I created 12 separate modules and put ...
Jan 31, 2020 15:47 PM
I have a graded survey I would like students to take 12 times over the course of the term.I know I can essentially "copy and paste" the ungraded survey into the course 12 times  but the most e...
Jan 31, 2020 13:01 PM

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