
Community Member
Mar 22, 2020 12:56:07 PM
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Is it possible to take an exam from one section of a class and transfer it to another?  The second instructor is an instructor in my class.  We would like to move the exam from my course to hers? [wit...
Likes: 1
The assignments are set up in McGrawHIll Connect and merged with canvas.  The students access the course through Canvas but go to Connect.  The Scores in Connect are not the same scores that are showi...
Likes: 0
Hello!!!If I grant a student extended time for an exam, do I have to extend the closing time for the rest of the class?Example:  Class exam starts at 1230p and closes/due at 145pm.    Student R has ac...
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The assignments are set up in McGrawHIll Connect and merged with canvas.  The students access the course through Canvas but go to Connect.  The Scores in Connect are not the same scores that are showi...
Sep 03, 2024 12:29 PM
Hello!!!If I grant a student extended time for an exam, do I have to extend the closing time for the rest of the class?Example:  Class exam starts at 1230p and closes/due at 145pm.    Student R has ac...
Sep 15, 2020 12:21 PM
Is it possible to take an exam from one section of a class and transfer it to another?  The second instructor is an instructor in my class.  We would like to move the exam from my course to hers? [wit...
Mar 22, 2020 13:59 PM

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