
Don Higdon
Community Novice
Jun 25, 2019 5:45:12 AM
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Hello, I am a veteran of the USAF been working in I.T. for around 7 years now. Been working with Canvas for about 2. From Springfield, OH and here to learn as much as I can about Canvas and all its functions.

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I was acting as the instructor for the photo.. when i look at it, it looks normal like photo2.. but as acting as him or logged in as the instructor it looks like photo 1. Not in student view. 
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I need some help with getting the attendance fixed for a class. The professors other classes attendance work and i cannot seem to find where i can fix this in the settings. I need to get it to Roll Ca...
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I was acting as the instructor for the photo.. when i look at it, it looks normal like photo2.. but as acting as him or logged in as the instructor it looks like photo 1. Not in student view. 
Nov 21, 2019 09:58 AM
I need some help with getting the attendance fixed for a class. The professors other classes attendance work and i cannot seem to find where i can fix this in the settings. I need to get it to Roll Ca...
Nov 14, 2019 10:29 AM

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