
Community Participant
Nov 4, 2019 10:29:28 AM
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Jim Burnham is currently a Mechatronics Instructor at Silicon Valley Career Technical Education High School. Mechatronics means, “Fire Breathing Robots”. Teaching High School has always “noodled” in his head, and in 2016, he made the jump from Corporate world to teaching High School students. First teaching a year of Cybersecurity, and then in 2017, started a Mechatronics program at Silicon Valley CTE. Jim has taught summer STEAM academies, Youth technology workshops, Boy Scouts (herding cats) and other workshops that include teaching kids how to hack the world with Arduino’s and Raspberry Pi’s. He especially enjoys teaching students about microcontrollers & microcomputers. Helping them learn to code, many for the first time. Jim’s language skills include, Spanish, Python, Perl, HTML, C and C++, VHDL and Verilog.

Most Liked Posts

I want a real "copy" & Disassociate feature.  What I mean is I want to have a copy process where I can make a copy of a page, assignment, or quiz and make sure the copy is completely and i...
Likes: 14
HOW DO I CREATE A REAL COPY?<EDIT> I added an "idea" submission here https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/17229-provide-a-real-copy-disassociate-feature It is open for Up Voting... PLEA...
Likes: 8
I'm trying to get a request up voted where we have a real "copy and dissociate", where you can copy someting from commons (or really anywhere) and be able to to say "copy/import this, ...
Likes: 2
I'll try that... That was what I was going to try next, as I have a free teacher canvas where I build all my material, and then send it to commons to import into my District school class... that w...
Likes: 2
OK... after a bit of research, I found this that seems to work... https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-customize-my-Courses-list-as-an-instructor/ta-p/800#U800
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Most Recent Posts

I use bitmoji's in my presentations and they also end up in my canvas pages, quizzes, and other assignments.  I save the bitmoji, and then load it as an image in my class files.  when I upload it,...
Nov 06, 2022 20:58 PM
You link to here is broken - https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Mobile-Users/Anywhere-Anytime-My-Adjunct-Faculty-Experience-with-Canvas/ba-p/274556
Nov 06, 2022 16:19 PM
As fare as I can tell, Canvas still tracks it... and still will over write an edited version even if you have passed it back and forth through commons 2 times...  I just now have a template and open i...
Jan 31, 2021 16:31 PM
Sure, as long as you keep track as to which is the latest copy... and yes I tested your suggestion... but that's really my point... I still want a way to copy something that is then dissociated fr...
Jan 31, 2021 16:28 PM
OK... after a bit of research, I found this that seems to work... https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-customize-my-Courses-list-as-an-instructor/ta-p/800#U800
Jan 25, 2021 21:34 PM

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