
Community Explorer
Oct 29, 2019 5:32:09 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Preventing students from pasting would mean that even if they type text found elsewhere, they still have to type it and may learn something in the process. 
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Please include this feature in new quizzes!! When grading many assignments without this it is very time consuming.  Any status update on this?
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@resartoris I don't. That's a great question though! Fingers crossed for next school year or sooner.
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@resartoris see above, this was just recently changed to a status of "in development".
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Two years later and this still has not been addressed! New quizzes have other issues, but this makes them unusable. Please fix!!!
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Most Recent Posts

Preventing students from pasting would mean that even if they type text found elsewhere, they still have to type it and may learn something in the process. 
Sep 04, 2023 07:07 AM
Please include this feature in new quizzes!! When grading many assignments without this it is very time consuming.  Any status update on this?
Sep 15, 2022 08:07 AM
@resartoris I don't. That's a great question though! Fingers crossed for next school year or sooner.
May 17, 2022 11:48 AM
@resartoris see above, this was just recently changed to a status of "in development".
May 17, 2022 06:23 AM
Two years later and this still has not been addressed! New quizzes have other issues, but this makes them unusable. Please fix!!!
Apr 28, 2022 06:02 AM

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