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Dec 28, 2019 9:11:27 AM
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Are Hot Spot questions auto-graded? Is it possible to set up a Hot Spot question in New Quizzes so that it's auto-graded for partial credit? Or would a teacher have to go individually into a hot s...
I gave my students a quiz with a 20-minute time limit and gave them 3 attempts to complete it.One student used all 3 attempts and took the full 20 minutes each time. But when I open the Log for the fi...
I have students from two separate courses telling me that they re-submitted certain assignments, but when I open Speed Grader for those assignments I'm not seeing their new submissions.
I'm trying to use a graded survey as a conditional assignment for a MasteryPath, but I can't. I've tried doing so both from within the editing mode for the survey and from the modules page...
Most Recent Posts
Are Hot Spot questions auto-graded? Is it possible to set up a Hot Spot question in New Quizzes so that it's auto-graded for partial credit? Or would a teacher have to go individually into a hot s...
I gave my students a quiz with a 20-minute time limit and gave them 3 attempts to complete it.One student used all 3 attempts and took the full 20 minutes each time. But when I open the Log for the fi...
I have students from two separate courses telling me that they re-submitted certain assignments, but when I open Speed Grader for those assignments I'm not seeing their new submissions.
I'm trying to use a graded survey as a conditional assignment for a MasteryPath, but I can't. I've tried doing so both from within the editing mode for the survey and from the modules page...
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