
Erin Provensal
Community Participant
Academic Instructional Technologist
Aug 7, 2019 8:25:55 AM
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I am an experienced instructional designer and technologist with a passion for creating courses and training. I enjoy developing online learning courses and training, creating educational strategies, implementing course sites and educational multimedia, and learning about educational theories. I am currently working at Northeastern University to help to bring the University over from Blackboard to Canvas but I have been working with Canvas since 2014 (previously at Harvard University) so this is my second migration experience but my first at this large of a scale. I am am excited to bring Canvas to Northeastern and to share the excitement I have around Canvas with everyone here! (I love Canvas so much I even made it my capstone project in my master's degree!)

Most Liked Posts

So far I have found the new RCE to require far more steps and be less intuitive than the original RCE.  Some of the things (in addition to what others have mentioned, particluarTina E Busch) that will...
Likes: 11
Hi,You can view the course using Student View which will create a test student role where you can take quizzes and submit assignments as a "test student". You can see more on that at How do I ...
Likes: 4
I agree I think it would be more helpful to keep the +Quiz button as the "legacy/old" quiz and then have the new button say "+New Quiz" to avoid confusion or having buttons nam...
Likes: 3
Hi  @elliott_friedma ‌, welcome to the Canvas community! While there is not a way to automatically notify students of new posts, students can subscribe to a discussion (see How do I subscribe to a...
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Hi all,I am on week 2 of a new job where I am tasked with running the pilot program for Canvas. I have used Canvas at a previous institution for a number of years and am fairly comfortable with the be...
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Most Recent Posts

Very excited to see this feature, we have had so many requests for something like this and it will help to solve many problems!
Jun 20, 2024 12:56 PM
Hi  @39398 ‌,As long as your institution allows it, you can add students through the "People" navigation item. You can see more on how to do this at https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DO...
Mar 23, 2020 15:34 PM
Hi  @pamelareese ‌,Welcome. You can certainly share your course with just one person. You can use the People part of Canvas to add them to whatever role you would like, see How do I add users to a...
Mar 23, 2020 14:27 PM

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