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Dec 15, 2019 10:05:31 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Yes, that helps somewhat. Thanks. However, it would be much more convenient for the boxes to be enlarged in size. Your suggestion helps primarily if there are one or two answers for which the box n...
Can the designers please expand the boxes for constructing answer options (e.g., on multiple choice questions) so that one can see the entire answer written with having to click and scroll? (see imag...
I'm using new quizzes and would like to see how the students as a class performed on a given question, i.e., I want to identify "bad" questions that few if any students answered correctly....
Please, at the very least, following the convention used in Old Quizzes.
In Old Quizzes in Speedgrader, the drop down list of students indicated whether or not all a given student's quiz was fully graded (no questions awaiting scoring). However, in New Quizzes, all st...
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I'm using new quizzes and would like to see how the students as a class performed on a given question, i.e., I want to identify "bad" questions that few if any students answered correctly....
Please, at the very least, following the convention used in Old Quizzes.
In Old Quizzes in Speedgrader, the drop down list of students indicated whether or not all a given student's quiz was fully graded (no questions awaiting scoring). However, in New Quizzes, all st...
Thank you for your comment. I was not aware that they dropped this essential upgrade. Time to urge adoption of a new LMS.
Yes, that helps somewhat. Thanks. However, it would be much more convenient for the boxes to be enlarged in size. Your suggestion helps primarily if there are one or two answers for which the box n...
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