Scott Whitney
Community Explorer
ASL Professor
Dec 6, 2019 6:12:39 AM
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Taught Deaf Education Middle School 1994-1997 in Houston
Taught Deaf Education Teacher Preparation at Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches Texas 2002-2019
Now teaching ASL Teacher Preparation at Tyler Junior College in Tyler, Texas
Most Liked Posts
Thank you for this information! It saved me. I was fixing a quiz that had errors and accidentally deleted one that students had taken. I tried this method to recover the quiz. EVERYTHING was restored,...
I go this working for batch editing quiz types. Now I can switch all from "graded" to "practice" in minutes instead of hours.Thanks again!
I'm creating an app to convert Vimeo Showcases into Canvas quizzes. I'm ready to try exporting the list of json files to the qti format. I've seen example qti format files and can get the ...
Thank you so much for this fantastic tool. I've been using it for about 3 years to bulk-edit my due dates and even change assignment names to use a consistent naming pattern.I'm looking over t...
I'm at a loss on how to create grade passback. I've used the Canvas Live API tool to check the course ID, Student ID and assignment ID. All seem to work fine.When I try to use Score using thos...
Most Recent Posts
I go this working for batch editing quiz types. Now I can switch all from "graded" to "practice" in minutes instead of hours.Thanks again!
Thank you so much for this fantastic tool. I've been using it for about 3 years to bulk-edit my due dates and even change assignment names to use a consistent naming pattern.I'm looking over t...
I'm at a loss on how to create grade passback. I've used the Canvas Live API tool to check the course ID, Student ID and assignment ID. All seem to work fine.When I try to use Score using thos...
I've found some information on this.For pretty much all of the identifiers - there is no specified formula. The identifier must be unique, but beyond that there is not specified requirement that I...
I'm using the Canvas API Live tool to test passing grades into my course.I've checked the course id, the student id, the assignment id and all check out.However, when I try to udpate the grade...
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