
Alexandre Magno Negreiros
Community Explorer
May 21, 2020 7:00:15 PM
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Sou Educador Religioso e uso o Canvas para treinar os nossos professores voluntários. Tenho tido várias oportunidade para treinar colegas de trabalho sobre o uso do Canvas.

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great. that's what I was looking for. thanks for your help. you are ten.
Likes: 1
thank you very much.that's exactly what I asked for. this canvas community is very efficient. congratulations.
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Como Colocar um Efeito de explosão de Parabéns Quando o Aluno Conclui um Teste ou Tarefa?How to Put a Happy Birthday Explosion Effect When a Student Completes a Test or Assignment?
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Obrigado. Fiz o procedimento e conseguir. Muito obrigado.Enviado do Email<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> para Windows 10De: kristin.lundstrum@delasalle.com<mailto:ins...
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Deletei uma Tarefa. Como Faço para Recuperar a Tarefa Excluida?I deleted a Task. How do I recover the deleted task?
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Problem statement: All pages have a white background. Proposed solution: My suggestion is to have a way to change the page background or add an image to make it more attractive to students. User rol...
Oct 21, 2023 13:49 PM
great. that's what I was looking for. thanks for your help. you are ten.
Nov 09, 2020 07:39 AM
yes, the symbols are part of the name of the page and not inside the page.
Nov 05, 2020 16:53 PM
How do I place these figures next to the page name? follow the example below:
Nov 04, 2020 12:53 PM
I would like to make this division within the module that is in this picture in the Forum.
Oct 06, 2020 19:13 PM

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