
Priscilla Martinez
Instructure Alumni
Aug 20, 2019 8:13:18 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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 @kona ‌--  Taking the Mystery out of Mastery Paths - Instructure Community   Taking the Mystery out of Mastery Paths - Instructure Community     Want an all-access Safari pass to the ins and out...
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 @dbodman   @sparkyfan ‌     Canvas provides unique ways that encourage student engagement and learning. It’s time to drop ineffective and tired discussion boards and integrate new ways of int...
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JS_Christopher Casey     Learn how we use nested sub-accounts, permissions, and some custom css/js to allow flexibility in certain areas while also following institutional policies and procedures for ...
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 @stuart_freeman ‌  @emily_reese ‌     How Georgia Tech used Docker and Amazon's Elastic Container Service to quickly deploy a suite of LTI tools and integrations, including a SIS enroller...
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 @anf107 ‌     At Penn State, we didn’t take a traditional approach to building LTIs. To us, LTIs are much more than just dropping a key and secret into some professor’s course. We built LTIs that...
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Most Recent Posts

Hello  @a_eltablawy  You have asked your question in a global community of Canvas users who cannot troubleshoot individual accounts and courses beyond their own. You may want to contact your schoo...
Jul 01, 2020 00:17 AM
Hello  @krismeyer55  and welcome to the Canvas Community! Thank you for reaching out and your question. I'm assuming your an instructor? If so, I've listed below a few how-to guides and pr...
Jul 01, 2020 00:07 AM
Hello  @sbh0110  and welcome to the Canvas Community! Thank you for reaching out and your question. I'm not quite familiar with group collaborations. However, I've listed below a few how-t...
Jun 30, 2020 23:58 PM
Hello  @lewisale  and welcome to the Canvas Community! Thank you for reaching out and your question. It sounds like it could be a browser issue. Here are a few things you could try:Check your brow...
Jun 30, 2020 23:46 PM
Hello  @jessica_kaliel  and welcome to the Canvas Community! Thank you for reaching out and your question. It sounds like it could be a browser issue. Here are a few things you could try:Check you...
Jun 30, 2020 22:41 PM

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