
Community Member
May 24, 2019 11:09:10 AM
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Having an educational background spanning various countries, Hamid received his PhD & MSc in Aircraft Design, Aerospace Engineering from University of Manchester/UK, BEng (1st class Honors) in Mechanical Engineering from Tehran University/Iran, 2 MBS Post-Graduate Certificates in International Business & Finance from Manchester Business School/UK, IT Certificate in Computer Programming from MANCAT/UK, Diploma in General French from CAVILAM/France, Certificate in Experimental Flight Mechanics from Cranfield Univ./UK, & Calligraphy Certificate from Iran Society of Calligraphers. He studied at Vichy/France, Manchester/UK & Tehran/Iran. Hamid is a permanent resident (PR) in Singapore, married to a Singaporean (Sue) & has a daughter (Alia). Hamid was a teacher in Mathematics, Physics & Mechanics for secondary school & college students during 1986-91. He has 7-year industry working experience in 2 aircraft design & manufacturing companies & 15-year teaching and research working experience at 9 universities & polytechnics on part-time and full-time basis. He has been associate dean, deputy director, aircraft designer, lecturer, manager & design engineer in UK, Iran, Malaysia & Singapore in the last 22 years. He has nearly 90 publications in aerospace & mechanical systems, aircraft design, composite repair, aviation management & engineering education. Hamid has been supervising over 17 postgraduates, 75 undergraduates & 140 diploma graduates at 9 universities & polytechnics. He is currently the external supervisor of 3 PhD Research Students from Newcastle University in Singapore. After residing in the UK for very long time, Hamid arrived in Malaysia in October 2003 to work for University of Science Malaysia (USM) for 3 years. He took on the role of Aircraft Design Team Specialist for Avcen Limited UK in London in 2005 before appointed as Deputy Director in Aircraft Design on May 2006 for four years. He was Associate Dean of American Degree Transfer Program at Taylor’s University/College in Kuala Lumpur before joining Republic Polytechnic (RP) in Singapore as Senior Academic Staff in Feb 2011. Hamid is a permanent resident in Singapore, working at Republic Polytechnic’s School of Engineering as Principal Lecturer (PL). He is leading over 25 researchers & students of several industry-application projects in cooperation with aircraft industries, UK’s Newcastle University & Glasgow University in Singapore. He is currently the Principal Investigator (PI) & Co-PI of 6 funded research projects. Hamid is an aircraft composite specialist and certified ACRATS trainer and examiner for EASA-147 certification. Concurrent to his job at Republic Polytechnic, Hamid is an adjunct faculty of Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) since Oct 2012, a visiting lecturer of UK’s Newcastle University since Jan 2013, an external supervisor of University of Glasgow since Sept. 2016 and an adjunct faculty of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) Asia since May 2019 in Singapore. He has been teaching 6 undergraduate and postgraduate courses, supervising 3 PhD Research students & over 30 BSc FYP students at SIT, Newcastle University, Glasgow University and ERAU Asia in Singapore.

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