
Jeremy Bell
Community Novice
Jun 26, 2018 3:45:14 PM
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B.S. Mechanical Engineering Associates in Multimedia Design M.A. Teaching Secondary Math Instruction

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The Need:Current module tracker has generic "Complete all items".  This could be a handy completion tracker for students and teachers.  The tracker keeps track of how many items in each module...
Likes: 15
Here you go John.I added a bunch of comments, so hopefully that helps if you need to edit it.Module Completion Tracker · GitHub Just let me know if you need anything else.
Likes: 5
Issue:In longer lessons, students can become disorientated on how the current information in their viewport relates to the entire lesson.Custom Fix:Create a sidebar menu that scrolls with the students...
Likes: 4
I'm looking for someone that I can hire to walk me through the basics of building a basic LTI.I've built a bunch of ideas for my school's own installation of Canvas.  However, I would like...
Likes: 4
Issue:Some students may have reading issues that involve losing one's place when reading a paragraph of text.  Custom Solution:Make text highlight on mouse hover.  I think some people call this &#...
Likes: 3

Most Recent Posts

Hi Peter,What does your console.log(b) return on line 39?By the way how do you paste in formatted code like that?
Jul 02, 2018 09:50 AM
  Here is the code that I tried in my app.  I hard coded in the consumer key and secret just to simplify it.router.post('/', (req,res)=>{    var cKey = "72397a6f8e18b80d...
Jul 01, 2018 18:19 PM
Hi Peter thanks for the reply. I installed the library, but anytime I run ".isValid" I get false returned.  I'm kind of confused how the library sets up nonce validation etc.If you could s...
Jun 30, 2018 17:14 PM
Here you go John.I added a bunch of comments, so hopefully that helps if you need to edit it.Module Completion Tracker · GitHub Just let me know if you need anything else.
Jun 28, 2018 16:15 PM
I'm looking for someone that I can hire to walk me through the basics of building a basic LTI.I've built a bunch of ideas for my school's own installation of Canvas.  However, I would like...
Jun 27, 2018 16:13 PM

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