
Maarten Devos
Community Explorer
canvas admin
Aug 18, 2018 11:39:27 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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It would be nice if Instructure gives a sign if this idea is getting in the pipe line, or why it is not being considered.
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Can someone from Instructure tell me if this idea will be considered or not to take into discussion or production? This idea is here since a long time. And it would really mean a difference in evaluat...
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Indeed this idea exists already a long time and Instructure doesn't give any sign that this needed change will be planned in the feature. It's some how disappointing.
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No, unfortunately  not. We hope to see it soon taken in to consideration.
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This is actually an essential feature for Canvas to improve modern education. There are so many ways self assessment is needed in a good formative evaluation. I hope Instructure picks up this idea soo...
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Most Recent Posts

It would be nice if Instructure gives a sign if this idea is getting in the pipe line, or why it is not being considered.
Nov 10, 2022 02:57 AM
Can someone from Instructure tell me if this idea will be considered or not to take into discussion or production? This idea is here since a long time. And it would really mean a difference in evaluat...
Feb 17, 2022 07:25 AM
Indeed this idea exists already a long time and Instructure doesn't give any sign that this needed change will be planned in the feature. It's some how disappointing.
May 27, 2021 04:11 AM
No, unfortunately  not. We hope to see it soon taken in to consideration.
Jan 10, 2021 03:29 AM
This is actually an essential feature for Canvas to improve modern education. There are so many ways self assessment is needed in a good formative evaluation. I hope Instructure picks up this idea soo...
Nov 06, 2020 04:03 AM

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