Daniel Mello
Community Explorer
Nov 6, 2017 11:49:46 AM
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I thought having Canvas check for plagiarism would also check the assignment against other students in the same class, but that's not happening.Any ideas?Thank you!DM
Hello!I’ve noticed the similarity report flags in the Gradebook change colors after a period of time, as if they’ve auto-updated.How can I perform this auto-update manually? I’d like to batch-generate...
Hey, everyone! I'd like to prohibit this action in Canvas. I wonder why due date changes are not included in the 'Notify users this quiz has changed', which is to say that notification to ...
While grading via the Rubric, the student hit the SAVE button, which closed the peer review to any further grade point inputs.How do I re-open the Rubric?The assignment is closed, but the 'peer re...
Yep, didn’t work.
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Yep, didn’t work.
In the Teacher app, my students’ assignment submissions (text-based) don’t show! When I go into the assignment to do some grading, Everything pulls up as normal EXCEPT for the screen showing just a wh...
Re: Same Paper from Same Student NOT Flagged by TII When Used For Multiple Assignments in Same Class
Yep, I'll definitely do that. Thanks!
Re: Same Paper from Same Student NOT Flagged by TII When Used For Multiple Assignments in Same Class
Same class, two different assignments the student submitted the same paper. All assignments are checked by TII.
Thanks! Open to more ideas.
One student, one paper, but used for two different assignments in our class this term. But, TII did not flag the later submission as being 100% similar to the prior submission (the assignments were ab...
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