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Dec 8, 2018 9:24:58 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Is there any plan for Canvas to permit embedding of images in messages sent through the Inbox? For some of the courses I teach my students and I exchange a lot of screenshots in our emails, and it...
Agreed, it is staggeringly irritating to have to click on a check mark every time I write freehand on a student's work. If I want to write, say the number of points taken off for an answer, and it...
What I've done is a bit ham-fisted and time-consuming, but it works. In a quiz I;ve created in Quizzes, I open the student's uploaded document, annotate it with my drawing tablet or with text...
Is it possible to create an assignment with peer reviews when there is no student submission to Canvas? I use Flipgrid to have students create videos and comment on their peers' videos, and I wou...
Greetings, @Chris_Hofer
Thanks for this. I see that the topic is fairly old, so I guess I was using non-standard terminology in searching for something about it. I imagine you're right in th...
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I'm interested in this as well. The whole time since we adopted Canvas, I've thought that the announcements we write go directly into the students' email with all formatting except embedd...
Thanks for the suggestion. That will work, since my class size is not enormous.
Is it possible to create an assignment with peer reviews when there is no student submission to Canvas? I use Flipgrid to have students create videos and comment on their peers' videos, and I wou...
Thanks for this, Ron. I've been meaning to learn LaTex for a while, but never committed to it yet. Maybe this is a solid motivation.
Thank you for the input, Robert. I accidentally discovered on my own that other fonts allowed a better rendering of the symbols. I share your frustration about Speedgrader feedback, although I am no...
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