
Community Participant
Aug 30, 2018 9:00:50 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I am an adjunct instructor at two colleges, both of which use Canvas. I teach the same courses, pretty much, and love the new quiz format (I also understand that old quizzes will be going away at some...
Likes: 16
Hello!I am creating a New Quiz and I want to do random number of questions from a test bank. This normally works just fine, but now for two different question sets, it is telling me "failed to upd...
Likes: 5
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas As a tablet user, the Teacher app is a great way to quickly go back and forth with student assignments. Currently, the app does not support annotat...
Likes: 4
 @verkler ‌ figured out if you go in an change the points per question, and then try to pick random, it will work!
Likes: 2
OMG!! SOO GLAD you caught that fix! Thanks!!  @verkler ‌
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Any updates on this idea? Would be incredibly helpful. I like the idea of making a rubric for each question in the quiz, but when you do pooled questions from a bank, you can't do this. I also wan...
Mar 20, 2021 14:23 PM
@austinst Is there a way to turn this export selection on? My course export just starts the entire download, it does not let me pick things to export. 
Feb 15, 2021 18:38 PM
I thought that maybe Canvas had fixed this, but I just got off chat with support, and it STILL is not an option. To be clear, I am trying to export from one institution and import to a new institution...
Feb 15, 2021 18:37 PM
I do not see a place to 'upvote' this, but this really needs to be a thing! Students have to email me if they need a resubmission graded, and that just is not necessary.
Jan 27, 2021 16:43 PM
Agree that this needs to happen. It is such a time-waster if you are working on a computer. I know I can use the teacher app to see these, but if I want to have multiple screens up on a monitor, type ...
Jan 17, 2021 16:08 PM

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