
Libby Heinig
Community Member
Nov 30, 2018 10:02:39 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Please see this entire conversation.  Our admin told us nothing about this and none of us like it.  It makes using our grade books very very cumbersome. Teachers with 100 or more kids daily do not hav...
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This is genius!   Pure genius.  Thank you so much--it took me about 2 minutes to copy the criteria in the order that I wanted them, then go back and delete the rows that were in the incorrect order.  ...
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Yes, I just discovered that on my own, unclicked it, and it removed the (F), right before you responded.  Thank you so much.  Can you explain why or what that means?  I have no recollection of clickin...
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Problem statement: Bring back the old grade book interface! 100% of the teachers in my building really dislike the new surprise. We were all shocked. Very clunky to use the filter feature to move be...
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Problem statement: Bring back the old grade book interface! 100% of the teachers in my building really dislike the new surprise. We were all shocked. Very clunky to use the filter feature to move be...
Aug 24, 2023 19:16 PM
Hear hear!  Well said.  We DO NOT like it.
Aug 24, 2023 18:28 PM
I tried to submit an idea as you suggested and it did not work.  I could not type in the box.  
Aug 24, 2023 18:26 PM
Please see this entire conversation.  Our admin told us nothing about this and none of us like it.  It makes using our grade books very very cumbersome. Teachers with 100 or more kids daily do not hav...
Aug 24, 2023 18:25 PM
I 100% agree, as does every educator in our lunchroom today.  We all REALLY dislike the "updates".  It makes switching between classes (which we do all the time to enter missing work and late ...
Aug 24, 2023 18:18 PM

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