Community Participant
Oct 25, 2017 3:33:09 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Hello, I was wondering if anyone in the UK is using any Apprenticeship Management Tools with Canvas? I would love to connect with you to hear how you've done this, if it's integrated, and wha...
Is there a way to change the default setting on Canvas Conferences so that it doesn't invite all course members automatically? Students who run BBB meetings tend to invite everyone without realisi...
Does Big Blue Button work reliably for students studying in Middle Eastern Countries (UEA, Qatar,....etc) where other web conferencing tools are now banned (e.g Skype for Business)? Also, can student...
Hello @james_trueman . We've gone down the route of having an apprenticeship management system, (not sure I'm allowed to say which one just yet) it will mainly support the administration ...
Sadly not, we don't yet have Apprenticeship Management Tool in place. Hoping this will be coming soon.
Most Recent Posts
Hello @james_trueman . We've gone down the route of having an apprenticeship management system, (not sure I'm allowed to say which one just yet) it will mainly support the administration ...
Sadly not, we don't yet have Apprenticeship Management Tool in place. Hoping this will be coming soon.
Hello, I was wondering if anyone in the UK is using any Apprenticeship Management Tools with Canvas? I would love to connect with you to hear how you've done this, if it's integrated, and wha...
Is there a way to change the default setting on Canvas Conferences so that it doesn't invite all course members automatically? Students who run BBB meetings tend to invite everyone without realisi...
Hi Fred, Thank you for your reply. I guessed as much but it’s always good to have these things confirmed. We will certainly let you know what we learn from trying BBB with our students in this region....
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