
Community Explorer
Nov 22, 2018 5:54:13 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Aha! That's what I had assumed - but I was hoping I had missed a feature! thanks for the link to the discussion, I've followed through, upvoted and added my support for a feature!
Likes: 2
i.e. Can I set a weekly deadline for submissions to the graded discussion?I am using graded discussions as a way for my students to write reflective journals, but I would like to create a weekly due d...
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Hi @Stef_retired - I have not yet, but I know that it is a concern overall. With regards to your concern about uploaded course files, I think its valid overall. We would not be concerned in the sa...
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@Stef_retired - Thank you, I am aware of the functionality as it currently stands. I am proposing that there should be a permissions option for a folder under course files where students can uploa...
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Idea Suggestion: Would it be possible to allow students to upload files into Course File Folders? AND allow those folders and files to be viewed by both Staff & Students. Staff at our institution ...
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Hi @Stef_retired - I have not yet, but I know that it is a concern overall. With regards to your concern about uploaded course files, I think its valid overall. We would not be concerned in the sa...
Sep 14, 2021 08:42 AM
@Stef_retired - Thank you, I am aware of the functionality as it currently stands. I am proposing that there should be a permissions option for a folder under course files where students can uploa...
Sep 14, 2021 04:06 AM
Idea Suggestion: Would it be possible to allow students to upload files into Course File Folders? AND allow those folders and files to be viewed by both Staff & Students. Staff at our institution ...
Sep 13, 2021 07:01 AM
Forgive me if this has been raised already in this discussion - but if multiple check-points/due-dates are being considered for discussions, would it also be possible to get proper annotation function...
Jan 11, 2021 08:36 AM
Following this up a year later to say again that I would really like this function for discussions -  on behalf of myself and colleague that use Discussions as graded reflective blogs. It doesn't ...
Jan 11, 2021 08:28 AM

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