
Community Explorer
May 27, 2018 1:13:15 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Why would Canvas designers not think that we would need to search our messages? Easy to implement, dumb to not have implemented it.
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Booo Canvas. Why in the world would you remove the ability to message from the People page? Why, why, why? I instinctively go here regularly thinking I can message the person. Grrrrr. Everytime I try ...
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The browser search function only works if the word is visible on the screen. It doesn't show words that are in the body of the message not displayed on the screen. What kind of software designer w...
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Well, now I feel dumb! There's some other place in Canvas that I wished students could be contacted from--can't think of it now. That must have been what was on my mind! Thanks for setting me ...
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Dunno if this is the only solution, but for my goofball students that did that, I made them start over and then I inactivated their first attempt in the list of "People".
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It seems blatantly obvious to me that one would allow the option for students to post anonymously to other students, yet be visible to the instructor. Why in the world would this *not* be an option? 
Jul 22, 2022 07:05 AM
Six years later, we're still stuck with this "bug"? Come on Canvas...you can do better for your customers than this, surely!!
May 07, 2021 14:13 PM
Why would Canvas designers not think that we would need to search our messages? Easy to implement, dumb to not have implemented it.
Oct 19, 2020 15:09 PM
The browser search function only works if the word is visible on the screen. It doesn't show words that are in the body of the message not displayed on the screen. What kind of software designer w...
Oct 19, 2020 15:05 PM
I've stopped using discussions at all because of the poor quality of the discussion forum on Canvas. Because of COVID-induced instructional changes, I'm seeking alternatives to Canvas for disc...
Jul 16, 2020 09:10 AM

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