Christoph Haug
Community Member
Aug 28, 2018 4:26:10 AM
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Why are quiz penalties (fo wrong answers) not calculated the same way as points for correct answers?
This question concerns New Quizzes with Multiple Answers Questions and explicitly not to Multiple Choice Questions where questions cannot have more than one correct answer.
This may indeed turn out to...
What a smart solution! But is this really the only way to put Events into a module? It's actually quite disappointing that Canvas can't accomplish such a simple thing.Could someone from Canvas...
Re: Why are quiz penalties (fo wrong answers) not calculated the same way as points for correct answ
Maybe one thought to add to my original post above: assuming that we calculate penalty points the same way as we calculate positice points (as I propose), what happens if there is only one wrong alter...
This is amazing! Thanks a lot for sharing this @James Thank You. But I'm wondering whether it would be possible to also include the to-do dates that you can add to any page (Ceck box "Ad...
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Re: Why are quiz penalties (fo wrong answers) not calculated the same way as points for correct answ
Maybe one thought to add to my original post above: assuming that we calculate penalty points the same way as we calculate positice points (as I propose), what happens if there is only one wrong alter...
Why are quiz penalties (fo wrong answers) not calculated the same way as points for correct answers?
This question concerns New Quizzes with Multiple Answers Questions and explicitly not to Multiple Choice Questions where questions cannot have more than one correct answer.
This may indeed turn out to...
This is amazing! Thanks a lot for sharing this @James Thank You. But I'm wondering whether it would be possible to also include the to-do dates that you can add to any page (Ceck box "Ad...
What a smart solution! But is this really the only way to put Events into a module? It's actually quite disappointing that Canvas can't accomplish such a simple thing.Could someone from Canvas...
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