
Community Explorer
Feb 20, 2018 8:36:27 AM
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I learned how to build websites by building websites about my art, then building them for other small businesses. Now I help instructors communicate with their students through Canvas and other web interfaces.

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I am having trouble with anonymous grading, and the late date and time showing up in speed grader.Here is what the Principal instructor sees:The instructor and I both believe that they should be able ...
Likes: 2
Hi Kona,Thank you. I contacted my support team on campus, they say that it is how it is supposed to work, even though it seems to only be not working on that one page. I'm afraid that my campus...
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Hi Kona,Thank you. I contacted my support team on campus, they say that it is how it is supposed to work, even though it seems to only be not working on that one page. I'm afraid that my campus...
Jan 30, 2020 14:58 PM
I am having trouble with anonymous grading, and the late date and time showing up in speed grader.Here is what the Principal instructor sees:The instructor and I both believe that they should be able ...
Jan 30, 2020 13:14 PM

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