
Community Participant
Dec 28, 2017 6:45:07 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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It's comical that Canvas continues to roll out updates all the time and yet completely ignores basic functions like deleting an assignment that was incorrectly done. In our situation we need a cle...
Likes: 15
Ours isn't even doing that. It's starting most classes with the M - O names and then randomizing the rest. Its completely broken and changing the options makes no difference. 
Likes: 2
We're not online only. Seeing student names isn't the issue, the issue is seeing enrollments for other courses in that space. There's no discernible reason why the enrollments are visible ...
Likes: 0
Canvas doesn't actually fix things that the vast majority of users want/need. They just give us a bunch of monthly updates/upgrades that are mostly irrelevant to how any academic institution actua...
Likes: 0
Our university official in charge of those decisions says it's a FERPA issue according to the wording we use and the latest FERPA guidelines. This will limit some of our usage of the Groups featur...
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Most Recent Posts

Ours isn't even doing that. It's starting most classes with the M - O names and then randomizing the rest. Its completely broken and changing the options makes no difference. 
Aug 14, 2024 15:25 PM
We're not online only. Seeing student names isn't the issue, the issue is seeing enrollments for other courses in that space. There's no discernible reason why the enrollments are visible ...
Nov 09, 2023 15:54 PM
Canvas doesn't actually fix things that the vast majority of users want/need. They just give us a bunch of monthly updates/upgrades that are mostly irrelevant to how any academic institution actua...
Oct 04, 2023 09:23 AM
Our university official in charge of those decisions says it's a FERPA issue according to the wording we use and the latest FERPA guidelines. This will limit some of our usage of the Groups featur...
Sep 29, 2023 09:17 AM
I just spoke with our university official who makes these decisions and she's calling it a FERPA issue that needs to be resolved. Our university default is student enrollment information is confid...
Sep 29, 2023 09:13 AM

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