Casey Golomski
Community Novice
Dec 24, 2017 9:06:07 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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I am having the same problem. It is not related to file type submissions (they all do Word uploads which work fine in the several years I've now used Canvas). My Docviewer editing menu seems to ha...
Thank you! I de-anonymized the peer review and the Docviewer editing tools returned. Thank you, thank you, Stefanie!
Hello, Stefanie! My DocViewer editing functions within Speedgrader have disappeared. My university academic tech team believes it could be because the assignment is set to "peer review" as was...
Problem solved! The Docviewer editing tools disappear if you anonymize the peer review. Peer review must NOT be anonymous; then the Docviewer editing tools are available.
Hello, Kristin,I've just found that if you have "peer review" activated for students to engage with each others' work, this ultimately disables the editorial tool bar from appearing wi...
Most Recent Posts
Problem solved! The Docviewer editing tools disappear if you anonymize the peer review. Peer review must NOT be anonymous; then the Docviewer editing tools are available.
Thank you! I de-anonymized the peer review and the Docviewer editing tools returned. Thank you, thank you, Stefanie!
I am having the same problem. It is not related to file type submissions (they all do Word uploads which work fine in the several years I've now used Canvas). My Docviewer editing menu seems to ha...
Hello, Stefanie! My DocViewer editing functions within Speedgrader have disappeared. My university academic tech team believes it could be because the assignment is set to "peer review" as was...
Hello, Kristin,I've just found that if you have "peer review" activated for students to engage with each others' work, this ultimately disables the editorial tool bar from appearing wi...
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