Adam Barbary
Community Explorer
Jun 20, 2024 6:26:41 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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So, it won't show if publication date is set for the future. However, it doesn't remove it once the Until date has passed. (I artificially set it back, I didn't wait for i...
Found my issue, missed this... https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Releases/Canvas-Release-Notes-2024-09-21/ta-p/612521#toc-hId--1509652888
This is just the conversation I am looking for. We are concerned that users may share tokens, and so we want to control who can have one. However, I'm struggling with how to create a token for ano...
Problem statement:
We can lower the cognitive load on teaching staff, particularly new users if similar features can be accessed in the same way across the system. Currently Assignment and quizzes hav...
Problem statement:
When creating an export from within the New Quizzes Exports page, a file is generated for download. However, after successful downloading, there is no way to remove the file from Ca...
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Found my issue, missed this... https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Releases/Canvas-Release-Notes-2024-09-21/ta-p/612521#toc-hId--1509652888
This is just the conversation I am looking for. We are concerned that users may share tokens, and so we want to control who can have one. However, I'm struggling with how to create a token for ano...
Problem statement:
We can lower the cognitive load on teaching staff, particularly new users if similar features can be accessed in the same way across the system. Currently Assignment and quizzes hav...
Problem statement:
When creating an export from within the New Quizzes Exports page, a file is generated for download. However, after successful downloading, there is no way to remove the file from Ca...
Problem statement:
If a new item bank is created from within the New Quiz builder, there is no option to add questions immediately. eg. After creating a new question bank, you must first exit the new ...
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