Alisha Stearman
Community Member
Learning Technologies Specialist
Jun 13, 2024 2:44:48 PM
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A Canvas Newbie that is eager to be a Canvas Veteran.
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Well- no worries, Chris. I guess with everything going to the cloud and running off of browsers- it isn't such a big deal as it used to be. I know that Word converts older version documents to wha...
Thank you, Chris, for the reply to my question. So, in other words, if a student was using an old version of Word 2010 would they encounter any issues with uploading or downloading documents to and fr...
I am unable to find exact wording for the minimum Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat Reader version specifications that students need for Canvas. I had a faculty ask and I am only able to find the compu...
Most Recent Posts
Well- no worries, Chris. I guess with everything going to the cloud and running off of browsers- it isn't such a big deal as it used to be. I know that Word converts older version documents to wha...
Thank you, Chris, for the reply to my question. So, in other words, if a student was using an old version of Word 2010 would they encounter any issues with uploading or downloading documents to and fr...
I am unable to find exact wording for the minimum Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat Reader version specifications that students need for Canvas. I had a faculty ask and I am only able to find the compu...
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