
Betsy B
Community Member
Sep 26, 2023 9:59:38 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I go into the first class - and open modules - then find the module I want to move to the second class. Then on the three dots there is a choice called copy to... I select the second class and hit cop...
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I want to copy some pages from another class to another as a faculty member. When I do and start editing the new class, it auto edits the class I copied from. I do not want this. Can someone help me. 
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I go into the first class - and open modules - then find the module I want to move to the second class. Then on the three dots there is a choice called copy to... I select the second class and hit cop...
Sep 26, 2023 14:18 PM
I want to copy some pages from another class to another as a faculty member. When I do and start editing the new class, it auto edits the class I copied from. I do not want this. Can someone help me. 
Sep 26, 2023 11:02 AM

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